Depression & Anxiety
Anxiety is considered a reaction to psychological stress and results from inadequate coping measures to adapt to internal or external stressors. Typically, adult anxiety disorders can be grouped in six categories:
•Generalized Anxiety Disorder
•Specific Phobia
•Social Anxiety
•Substance/Medication-Induced Anxiety
Several other mental health conditions have overlapping symptoms with anxiety disorders but are classified separately. Some of these conditions include:
•OCD related disorders
•Trauma and Stress related disorders
•PTSD/Acute Stress Disorder
•Dissociative Disorders
Depression is often described as feeling empty with no interest or pleasure that is either subjectively experienced or observed by others. Depressive episodes, if left untreated, can last indefinitely. Depressive episodes are associated with weight gain/loss, excessive daytime sleeping or insomnia, agitation/irritability or being slow and apathetic. Fatigue, difficulty concentrating, feeling worthless, and thoughts of self-harm are commonly experienced with depression.
Other disorders that have depressive episodes but are separately classified include:
•Bipolar Diorders
•Schizoaffective Disorder
•Schizophrenic Spectrum Disorders
•Delusional Disorders
Anxiety and depression are symptoms that can be effectively treated with psychotherapy and medication.
If you are struggling with symptoms or behaviors you suspect are related to depression or anxiety, get in touch by calling or emailing us, so we can get you evaluated.